Spatial Analogues of Numerical Quasiconformal Mapping Methods for Solving Identification Problems in Anisotropic Media


  • Mykhailo Boichura National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Olha Michuta National University of Water and Environmental Engineerin
  • Andrii Bomba National University of Water and Environmental Engineer



applied quasipotential tomography, quasiconformal mappings, identification, numerical methods, anisotropy


The approach to solving the gradient problems of image reconstruction of spatial bodies using applied quasipotential tomographic data that is based on numerical complex analysis methods is extended to cases of anisotropic media. Here the distribution of eigen-directions of the conductivity tensor is considered a priori known. We propose to identify the parameters of the corresponding quasiideal stream by the way of minimizing the functional of the sum of squares of residuals which constructed using differential equations in partial derivatives that relate the quasipotential of velocity and the spatially quasicomplex conjugated stream functions




How to Cite

Boichura, M., Michuta, O., & Bomba, A. (2019). Spatial Analogues of Numerical Quasiconformal Mapping Methods for Solving Identification Problems in Anisotropic Media. Modeling, Control and Information Technologies: Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference, (3), 19–20.

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