About Two-dimensional Mathematical Model of Contaminant Migration in Unsaturated Catalytic Porous Media with Traps


  • Anatolyy Vlasyuk The National University of Ostroh Academy
  • Viktor Zhukovskyy National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Nataliia Zhukovska The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Serhiy Kraychuk Rivne State University of Humanities



Ключові слова:

mathematical model, computer modelling, moisture transfer, boundary-value problem, numerical method, refinement, NanoSurface


This paper proposes an approach for the computer simulation of complex physical problem of contaminant migration through unsaturated catalytic porous media to the filter-trap. The corresponding mathematical model in the two-dimensional nonlinear case is presented. The model includes detailed considerations of the moisture transfer of saline solutions under the generalized Darcy’s and Cluta’s laws in different subregions of soil. The numerical solution of the boundary value problem was found by the finite difference method and proposed the algorithm for computer implementation. The proposed algorithm may be used for creating software with effective risk assessment strategies and predicting the cleaning and further useful use of the soil massifs.




Як цитувати

Vlasyuk, A., Zhukovskyy, V., Zhukovska, N., & Kraychuk, S. (2020). About Two-dimensional Mathematical Model of Contaminant Migration in Unsaturated Catalytic Porous Media with Traps. Моделювання, керування та інформаційні технології, (4), 25–28. https://doi.org/10.31713/MCIT.2020.35