Follow digitally by using a blog


  • Ibraim Didmanidze Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, BSU
  • Darejan Geladze
  • Ia Motskobili
  • Diana Akhvlediani
  • Lili Koridze


Ключові слова:

blog, education, learning process, learning blogs.


Worldwide, education innovation is considered a top priority, with the access to and diversity of educational resources having increased significantly since the widespread use of the Internet. Initially, Internet platforms and tools were not directly adapted to the learning process. Along with the mastery of technologies by education specialists, numerous useful resources or tolls have been created, which can be used by all interested teachers and they can become the author of the resource.




Як цитувати

Didmanidze, I., Geladze, D., Motskobili, I., Akhvlediani, D., & Koridze, L. (2021). Follow digitally by using a blog. Моделювання, керування та інформаційні технології, (5), 52–53.

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