Information support for the procedure of power consumption planning in the municipal water supply system


  • Nina Davydenko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Volodymyr Davydenko
  • Liudmyla Davydenko


Ключові слова:

energy efficiency, power consumption planning, energy baseline, municipal water supply system


The article deals with the issue of determining the
energy baseline of municipal water supply facilities, taking into
consideration their actual operation conditions. The purpose of
the article is to develop the principles of organization of
information support for the procedures of power consumption
planning and their integration into the energy management
system. The formalization of the power consumption planning
process has been performed based on the object-oriented
technology. Classes that take into account the characteristics of
the facility, water consumption, methods of planning water
supply and power consumption have been formed. Description of
the properties and methods of the classes has been accomplished.
The architecture of the information support system for planning
procedures has been proposed. WEB-oriented technologies has
been suggested to use for information exchange. This allows
creating a single information space, taking into consideration the
actual operation conditions of the research object.




Як цитувати

Davydenko, N., Davydenko, V., & Davydenko, L. (2019). Information support for the procedure of power consumption planning in the municipal water supply system. Моделювання, керування та інформаційні технології, (3), 29–32.