Interpolation of Boundary Condition at Time-Interval of Unknown Lenghth for the Problem of Convective Diffusion in a Three-Layered Water Filter


  • Olha Chernukha Centre of Mathematical Modelling of Y. S. Pidstryhach Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Yurii Bilushchak Centre of Mathematical Modelling of Y. S. Pidstryhach Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Ключові слова:

mathematical modelling; simulation; convective diffusion; three-layered water filter; integral transformation; interpolation; boundary condition


On the basis of mathematical model of convective
diffusion in a three-layered filter it is formulated a contactinitial-
boundary value problem for description of mass transfer
of pollution accompanying the sorption processes. It is proposed
the algorithm for establishing the estimation of values of sought
function (concentration of pollution) at the lower boundary of the
filter on the basis of the interpolation of experimental data. It is
taken into account that the right end of the interpolation segment
is unknown. It is determined the exact solutions of contact-initialboundary
value problems of mass transfer with provision for
both diffusive and convective mechanisms of transfer as well as
sorption processes, which is based on integral transformations
over space variables in the contacting regions. Is it designed
software and established regularities of convective diffusion
process in the three-layered filter.




Як цитувати

Chernukha, O., & Bilushchak, Y. (2019). Interpolation of Boundary Condition at Time-Interval of Unknown Lenghth for the Problem of Convective Diffusion in a Three-Layered Water Filter. Моделювання, керування та інформаційні технології, (3), 25–28.