Calculation of Temperature Fields in Multilayer Plates and Shells with Distributed Heat Sources


  • Natalia Smetankina A. Pidgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Oleksii Postnyi A. Pidgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Ключові слова:

safe multilayer glazing, nonstationary thermal conduction, film heat source


The aircraft multilayer glazing is considered as a
rectangular multilayer plate made up of isotropic layers with
constant thickness. The temperature on the side surface of the
plate is zero. Convective heat transfer occurs on outer surfaces of
the plate; on layers' interfaces film heat sources are arranged.
The heat conduction equation for an arbitrary plate layer is
reduced to the functional equation. A solution of the functional
equation we search in the form of three space functions product.
We get the system of ordinary differential equations. Series
expansion factors are determined from a system of linear
algebraic equations. A transform of the required function is
found by the second expansion theorem, and the problem
solution has the form of double trigonometrical series.
The comparative analysis of the results is carried out with the
results of other method. The method offered can be used for
designing a safe multilayer glazing under operational and
emergency thermal and force loading in different vehicles.




Як цитувати

Smetankina, N., & Postnyi, O. (2019). Calculation of Temperature Fields in Multilayer Plates and Shells with Distributed Heat Sources. Моделювання, керування та інформаційні технології, (3), 75–77.