On the Advanced Technique of Mathematical and Computer Simulation of Filtration Processes in Porous Media under the Influence of Physical and Chemical Factors


  • Volodymyr Gerus National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



Ключові слова:

mathematical model, purification, filtration, impurities, magnetic water purification, biological water purification, water lighting


The proposed improvement of the technique for deriving filtration equations in soils with variable porosity is described. The technique is based on the application of the apparatus of complete derivatives in the soil phase continuity equations. Examples of filtration equations in the case of a deformable and non-deformable skeleton of a porous medium are given.




Як цитувати

Gerus, V. (2019). On the Advanced Technique of Mathematical and Computer Simulation of Filtration Processes in Porous Media under the Influence of Physical and Chemical Factors. Моделювання, керування та інформаційні технології, (3), 33–34. https://doi.org/10.31713/MCIT.2019.41