Mathematical Modeling of the Process of Micro Irrigation in the Soil Layer under Conditions of Heat and Mass Transfer


  • Anatolii Vlasyuk The National University of Ostroh Academy
  • Viktor Ogiychuk The National University of Ostroh Academy


Ключові слова:

nonlinear mathematical model; boundary-value problem; numerical method of finite differences; monotonic scheme; moisture; heat and mass transfer; micro irrigation, ground water level; wetting front


The nonlinear mathematical model of a process micro irrigation in non-saturated of soil layer under of heat and mass transfer has presented. The numerical solution of the espective boundary value problem has obtained by the method of finite differences using the monotonic scheme. Software had created on the basic of developed algorithms and a series of numerical experiments were done.




Як цитувати

Vlasyuk, A., & Ogiychuk, V. (2019). Mathematical Modeling of the Process of Micro Irrigation in the Soil Layer under Conditions of Heat and Mass Transfer. Моделювання, керування та інформаційні технології, (3), 84–85.