Spatial Analogues of Numerical Quasiconformal Mapping Methods for Solving Problems of Bursts Parameters Identification



Ключові слова:

applied quasipotential tomography, quasiconformal mappings, identification, numerical methods, impedance tomography


An approach to solving the problem of image reconstruction based on applied quasipotential tomographic data in the three-dimensional case is developed. It is based on the synthesis of spatial analogues of numerical quasiconformal mapping methods and algorithm for identifying the parameters of local bursts of homogeneous materials using similar methods on the plane. The peculiarity of the corresponding algorithm is taking into account (for each of the appropriate injections) the presence of only equipotential lines (with given values of the flow function or distributions of local velocities on them) and flow lines (with known potential distributions on them) at the domain boundary. Numerical experiments of simulative restoration of the environment structure are carried out.




Як цитувати

Boichura, M. (2020). Spatial Analogues of Numerical Quasiconformal Mapping Methods for Solving Problems of Bursts Parameters Identification. Моделювання, керування та інформаційні технології, (4), 11–14.